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From my work...

"Millie wondered what demons liked to read.

If she drew pictures of demons, did that mean demons drew pictures of humans?

Was she their nightmare? She shook off the thought. It was apparent that this was not the ideal living arrangement for anyone, but it appeared to be the norm for this class of demon. Perhaps they liked it, perhaps they didn’t mind. But something inside Millie told her that they hated being poor as much as humans did. Perhaps they weren’t so different after all."

― Baylee Marion, The Lost Lynton Coven

Not yet Acquired

Millie and Quinn character art by Baylee Marion

From one of my favourites...

“It’s about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you.”

― Nora Sakavic, The Foxhole Court

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Artwork by Baylee Marion inspired by All For The Game Series, by Nora Sakavic

"I touch the claw marks; they’re carved into the metal ridges of the tunnel, the giant, grimy worm I’m inside of. They’re sharp around the edges like a freshly opened can of Alphagetti. My imagination runs wild thinking about what could have carved them: werewolves, wendigos, the boogeyman. No matter what carved them, it means trouble."

― Baylee Marion, Slave to the Tunnel

Not yet Acquired

Artwork by Baylee Marion

"There were many things I imagined doing to him: cracking him open as if he were some expensive delicacy imported from a faraway land and gorging on his entrails until my stomach was fit to burst."

― Eric Larocca, You've Lost A Lot of Blood

"My face becomes dim like I’m going to tell a ghost story— and in reality, that is what it is.

I consider making up some other story but the truth provides the most satisfying answer.

'It all began when I was twelve,' I turn to look him in the eyes. 'When my mother killed herself.'"

― Baylee Marion, Name TBD

Not yet Acquired

"Ever since I can remember, I’ve had this pain inside me—this vacancy, this hole opening up wide. I always felt so alone, like I was this worthless little nothing. I guess the biggest fear I had in the whole world was that someone would see what's inside of me and discover what an ugly, disgusting, horrible person I really am. So I spent a whole lotta time trying to do everything I could to escape those feelings storming inside me."

― Nic Sheff, Tweak

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Gabriel and Jacob character art by Baylee Marion

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